ISO and Shutter Speed
We know that shutter speed is the amount of time it takes for a camera lens to take a picture. ISO is how sensitive the camera is to incoming light. Both of these can be done using the Camera app. Higher ISOs make light sensitive; For example, when shooting at ISO 200, the camera takes a while to take a picture. For ISO 800 cameras, it has been around 0.125. When shooting at high ISOs, the effect is not as smooth as shooting at ISOs. You can also change the shutter speed. The longer the shutter speed, the more light it can capture.
The software converts all the information coming from the lens into digital scams. No matter how good the sensor size, megapixel, aperture, ISO and shutter speed are, if the software is bad, it will not be stable. Moving Uneven images appear. If you use good software, you will be able to get better images with JPED image storage.